Dear members and prospective members,


On behalf of the committee members, I am delighted to welcome you to MAOMS and our association's new website. As we look forward to the promising year of 2024, we are excited to embark on this new chapter of growth and progress together.


First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new members who have joined us recently. Your decision to be a part of our esteemed association is a testament to your dedication and passion for our cherish specialty.


As we move forward, our primary focus will be on fostering a supportive and collaborative community that encourages professional development, knowledge sharing, and networking opportunities. We envision this website as a central hub where members can seamlessly connect, access resources, and stay informed about the latest specialty developments.


One of our key priorities for 2024 is to enhance the user experience of this platform. We are committed to continually improving its functionality and responsive design to ensure it serves as an invaluable tool for all our members. Your valuable feedback and suggestions are crucial in shaping the future of our association, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us with your ideas.


Additionally, we have exciting plans in store for the coming year. Our flagship events, conferences, and workshops will provide a platform for professional growth, knowledge exchange, and networking opportunities. We are dedicated to organizing meaningful gatherings where experts from various fields can share their insights, address challenges, and collaborate on innovative solutions.


Furthermore, we aim to expand our membership base and reach out to a wider audience who share our commitment to excellence. By welcoming new members, we can foster diversity, inclusivity, and fresh perspectives within our association, enabling us to thrive collectively.


In conclusion, I urge you to fully embrace the camaraderie within MAOMS by making the most of this revitalized website, recognizing the demands on everyone's time. We strive our best to meticulously designed it to be your go-to resource for all association-related information, updates, and opportunities encompassing our rich history together. Together, let us embrace this era of progress, growth, and connectivity as we work towards achieving our shared goals.


Thank you, and I look forward to an inspiring and fruitful journey ahead and Happy New Year 2024.


Warm regards,


Associate Professor Dr. Nazimi

President, Malaysian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

president (at)